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large community and we hope you shall strive to comply with the following guidelines and become an icon, in due
* The most important rule of netiquette is "Think before you post". If what you intend to post will not make
a positive contribution to the community at large and be of interest to several
readers, don't post it! Personal messages to one or two individuals should not be posted to the
Forum, use private e-mail instead.
* There is no
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pixels - wait until you have something to say.
* Be Careful with Humor and Sarcasm. Without the voice inflections and body language of personal communications, it is easy for a remark
meant to be funny to be misinterpreted. Subtle humor tends to get lost, so take steps to make sure that people realize you are trying
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specific message and then post below it - that's how a thread is built
in the first place.
* Do not use all capital
letters in your post. This is considered shouting and is rude.
* Read all of a discussion in progress (called a 'thread') before posting replies. Avoid posting "Me Too" messages, where content is
limited to agreement with previous posts. Avoid being redundant and just repeating what has already been said. Also a good rule of thumb
is that the content of a follow-up post should exceed quoted content.
* Re-read and edit your posting carefully before you post. Check the spelling and grammar. Remember,
you cannot edit or delete after posting.
* Write well. Remember, You are "what your words are" on the
board. Most people on the board will know you only by what you say and how well you say
it. Choose your words carefully - take the time to make sure your posting will not embarrass you later.
* Cite appropriate references. If you are using facts to support what you are saying, state where they came from. Don't take someone else's
ideas and use them as your own. You don't want someone pretending that your ideas are theirs; show them the same respect.
* Don't wander off-topic, don't ramble and don't send mail or post messages solely to point out other people's errors in typing or
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* If you are caught in an argument, keep the discussion focused on issues rather than the personalities involved.
* Before asking a question, read the messages already posted on the
board by searching the archive. There is
no need to go rummaging through the archives; the
search box at the top is quite useful for this.
* If you believe someone has violated netiquette, send them a message by private e-mail; do not post a follow-up to the post. And be
polite; they may not realize their mistake or they might be a beginner.
Avoid reacting to trolls - that is exactly what they want.
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* Please do not use the board as an advertising medium. There are
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* Do not blame the moderator for the behavior of the users :).
Welcome to the online
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to respond.
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