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Link policy for

The ability to refer to a document (or a person or any thing else) is in general a fundamental right of free speech to the same extent that speech is free. Making the reference with a hypertext link is more efficient but changes nothing else. A lot of people ask "permission" if they can link to webpages on We refuse, as we insist that permission is not needed. There is no reason to have to ask before making a link to another site. Links are merely references to other sites. You don't have to ask permission to link to this site -- or any other website.

So just go ahead and add a link to MT India using normal links
(<A HREF="">) as much as you want.

But by the same token,
You are responsible for what you say about us, and our site, etc., on the web as anywhere.

You may not however:

  • Modify the contents of the pages linked to in any way, without permission
  • Make the impression that the site is part of your own website by using misleading frames, URL tricks, or redirections that misrepresent MTIndia content as being published by anyone other than MTIndia
  • Make the impression that your website is a part of (by using the logo or use text such that the viewer would get such a impression)
  • Send any unsolicited mail (mail to people who have not signed up to a mailing list) which includes the address of any resources on the

Inclusion of URL addresses in media other than the Internet:
If you want to publish or include the address of some page on this website in some newspaper, magazine, television or radio program, that is fine, by the same principles.

It's recommended that you choose to publish the address to one of the main pages, with a simple URL, like   for the main page,  for the Forum and   for the yellow pages to make it easier for the reader / listener to get it right, but that is your prerogative.

If you wish, you could inform The Webmaster that you are publishing the address, it's always nice to know about such publishing.


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